About Us

1st Heathfield is an active, outdoor group of Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Leaders supporting young boys and girls to learn skills for life in and around Heathfield in the heart of East Sussex, UK.

See where we meet
Scouts group

Find out more about the different sections below and get our latest news from Facebook & Twitter as well.

We can help if you are interested in joining as a young person or adult. You can also find out about where we meet or get further details on making use of our site or kit. We generally meet in term time, with camps and other activities at weekends and holidays.

We are an amazing team of over 90 young people plus over 40 adult volunteers in a wide variety of roles.

Scouts are open to everyone.

1st Heathfield Badge

Introducing Our Sections

6-8 years

Beavers are our youngest members and meet for just over an hour each week. They enjoy all that Scouting has to offer; being introduced to outdoor activities, having the opportunity to be creative, explore their local community and experience the excitement of a Beaver Scout sleepover with their friends.

The Beaver Colony meets on a Tuesday evening from 6:00pm - 7:15pm, during term time.

8-10½ years

Cubs, here excitement and adventure are key. Their programme offers a huge variety of activities surrounding areas of fitness, global and beliefs; whilst allowing them to be creative and get involved in their local communities. Cubs are introduced to exciting outdoor skills and take part in adventurous activities, as well as camps and residential experiences.

Our Cubs meet on a Thursday evening from 6:30pm - 8:00pm, during term time.

10½-14 years

Scouts aim to build and develop young people’s confidence, sense of adventure and outdoor skills, as well as encouraging them to explore their beliefs and attitudes and be creative. It offers them the independence to put these skills into practice at camps and even on international trips. Scouts are encouraged to work together and take the lead on all sorts of projects, from community based work to planning games and activities for their meetings.

Our Scouts meet on a Friday evening from 7:45pm - 9:30pm, during term time.

14-18 years

With the support, direction and guidance of Unit leaders, Explorer Scouts are encouraged to lead themselves, design their own programme and work towards the top awards that Scouting offers. With exciting prospects like being a part of camps and expeditions both at home and abroad; adventurous activities such as mountaineering, parascending and offshore sailing; Explorers offers fun and adventure for all. Explorers also have the opportunity to be a part of The Explorer Scout Young Leaders' Scheme which develops their leadership skills and sense of responsibility, by helping to run meetings for younger sections.

In our district, the 1st Heathfield are launching their own explorer Unit which is open to Scouts from across the District. This unit is launching now, to register your interest go to the Join Us page to register and we'll get in touch. There is also a second Explorer unit in the North of the district, they are called the Lost Explorers. They generally meet on a Monday evening during term time from 8:00pm - 9:45pm.



Each section from Beavers, through to Explorers have young people in leadership roles helping to welcome and guide younger people. Running each section are leaders and assistant leaders. They are supported by adult helpers. Each section is also supported by a team of young leaders. These are older Scouts and Explorers under 18, and Duke of Edinburgh Award volunteers who gain valuable skills and help us do more.

Beyond the sections, we have a Group Scout Leader who manages the leaders. They are supported by an Executive Committee who run the charity that we are and ensure that we run the group properly and safely. That committee consists of a Chair, secretary, treasurer, group scout leader and other members with specific specialities.

In addition to our leaders, we have a great team of supporters. We have quartermasters who ensure that our kit and equipment is well maintained and ready for the young people to grab and go adventuring. We also have an amazing team of other helpers. They might attend camps to help with cooking to or assist us deliver the kit to far-flung camps.

All of these young people and adults together with all the parents and carers of every young person form the Group Scout Council. With over 300 members. This makes us one of the largest community groups in Heathfield.

All Adults in Scouting undergo rigorous background checks and references. All are required to undertake specific training for their role, to enable them to provide the best possible Scouting.

Supporting our young people are an amazing team of leaders and helpers, of all ages.

Cubs playing a game
Adult Scouting Leader


In addition to this website, we have a range of communications to ensure that our group and the community stay in touch. We post updates on a weekly basis via our public Facebook and Twitter feeds which we urge you to follow. We issue a bi-annual newsletter to the entire group. We also publish a monthly column in the Heathfield Magazine.

Friends of the 1st Heathfield

We are one of 6 groups in the Scout District of Hailsham & Heathfield. The others are 2nd Hailsham; 1st Hellingly; 1st Horam; 1st Herstmonceux and 1st Broad Oak & Punnetts Town. Our district is in the County of East Sussex.

In addition to our local friends, we are a founder member of Tri-Camp, a three-yearly camp that is hosted by a team of Scout groups from the UK, Sweden and the Netherlands. Our friends abroad include:

In the Netherlands:

From the Gothenburg area of Sweden:

From the UK the most recent groups also included ourselves and: 1st Horam; 1st Broad Oak & Punnetts Town; Lost Explorers; 2nd Hailsham.

We are a group that loves to get out and about.

Abseiling activity
Heathfield Hiker